Protect Your Skin!  Slather Up With Sunscreen!

Protect Your Skin! Slather Up With Sunscreen! Proud to represent the Grossmont Healthcare District (GHD) June 19, 2024, at the Big Rock Park ribbon cutting, one of five Santee Park sunscreen dispenser locations . GHD invests in...
Healthcare Workforce Scholarships

Healthcare Workforce Scholarships

Each year Grossmont Healthcare District awards scholarships to all levels of students pursuing a career in healthcare from Pharmacy Technicians, Orthopedic Technicians, Cardiovascular Technicians, Licensed Vocational Nurses up to advanced degrees in nursing and...

When to Use the Emergency Room

Where to go and what to do? People are uncertain of what to do when a health issue arises. They don’t have a General physician or can’t get into to see them for a long time. I found this article by Grossmont Healthcare District very helpful...
GHD Supports Efforts to Help the Homeless

GHD Supports Efforts to Help the Homeless

In 2017, Grossmont Healthcare District helped the efforts of the only east county homeless shelter, East County Transitional Living Center by providing a grant to purchase a much needed van used to take homeless people to their doctor appointments.
GHD Prepares Healthcare Workers for the Future

GHD Prepares Healthcare Workers for the Future

At the March 17th, 2023 Board Meeting, the Grossmont Healthcare District (GHD) awarded $108,900 in scholarships to 44 local high school students.Students from 22 East County high schools were selected by school administrators for their academic excellence and a desire...


The Grossmont Healthcare District was divided into five zones or divisions with each director representing a portion of the district.